There Is always a Plan B. Just find it.

Okay last time I said how my love for cooking and food got an introduction and today I will share an extended version of that way.

Well, when we go ahead to nurture our hobbies, its not that easy to be successful all the time. Like, when i made my first dish, it was surprisingly perfect later on I was not perfect all the time.
It is really difficult for a learner to get perfection on the first try. And every new dish is itself a new learning concept. New recipe means new experience. One must be careful while learning a new recipe. What happened in my case is, when my first dish got okay, I thought "Yes, I can deal with it" but when I went for making a new one realization happened. As I was as much careless about my second learning as careful about the first one. So what happened? It was a disaster. No salt, much spicy and under cooked. And I felt very bad. This is when I realized that success and failure both are necessary to go ahead. If I wasn't successful at the beginning , my love for cooking would never started. And if my second session didn't go wrong, I remained careless for the later journey. Nothing is easy if you want to get perfection. Your motivation is only your concern about the matter you are nurturing. Each time my experiment became successful, I have got a renewed inspiration to go ahead.
You know, it is very helpful for a learner when your family becomes the judge of your work. You get the most honest opinion from them time to time which makes you to get the ultimate perfection. I too got the same. I tried, they appreciated, suggested and also motivated.

This was the initial story of my new start. I will come next how the smell and color inspires me to concentrate on the decoration of the food..Keep reading. Thank you


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