How simply we utter the word! Really, do you think this word is that simple? 
Well, before you come to any conclusion let's figure out what we mean by "Choice"?

What do you think about it? Is it something that you want to do with your own life? Or it is something that you select thinking about your family? Something by which could become successful Or something that has been chosen to satisfy your soul but there is no earthly success? Complex, isn't it?

However, if you choose any of this option that is your choice, you want to answer back right? But how can you say something as your choice if you are dissatisfying others with that? "Choice" doesn't mean you have to be rude.Again, if you choose something for the sake of friends and family then how can it be called as your own? Again, if you choose something that makes your life easy how can that be called "choice" when there is mo struggle?

Well, I personally think there is always a catalyst that helps you to choose any option. The thing you call choice is not your own idea solely, it is the effect of the catalyst which silently does the charisma and you being a puppet of that catalyst do things. This catalyst works based on situations. That's why your age-old childhood dreams sometimes come true or sometimes remain unfulfilled.

Yet, if you have found out what is the definition of choice without a catalyst, mark my word, you are one in a million. Brilliant flesh on earth. You must go ahead and party. Bingo!!!


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