A New Start

Okay, as I said that food or cooking is the only thing that inspire me to write so I should say how this thing got hooked into my head.
It is actually a memory for me. May be I was only ten or eleven when for the first time I started to help my mom in organizing and sorting things out. Like wiping away the dust, rearranging the books in the shelf and so on. I was doing the same that day and suddenly found a book, which is a gift, on cooking. Yes, its recipe book. On its cover something was written in two lines-- "to you from me on our first anniversary just to make special dishes on this special occasion". And guess who gifted it to whom?  Papa to  mom. That's so sweet. And this is how the seed was sowed.
But it took time to give it a start, which should be called a real start. I can remember after getting the book, everyday i used to select a dish and asked mom whether she knew how to cook and when would she make. Ah, this journey was really cherished one. 
 I used to instigate mom to make new recipes but never tried to do by myself then. Mom is a very clean person and i was afraid if ended keeping things total messed up.

And then suddenly I got chance. Mom needed to outside the town for a few days and the the kitchen was all mine. I utilized the scope. I tried my first ever cooking. That was easy one. Egg Curry. But for a beginner making anything successfully was a huge thing. Huge thing means something that gives complete satisfaction. I ended my that day with a big smile on my face. And things started. I love cooking as much as i love food. Tasting new dishes, trying new and innovative recipes became my leisure time activity. Whenever i sit idly, i try to cook. I try to experiment . And whenever I am bored I hangout with my friends to the new restaurant to taste a new dishes. Wow, life is good. Food is good. Food is everything. 

Thanks. Keep reading. I will post more. Will come with another story about food, food tasting experiences and else. 


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