Memory Lane- Part 1
In my life i have taken a number of brave decisions just to fulfill the urge of passion. I won't say I was always right but most of the time wasn't wrong also. Sometimes you need to act like that to reach the goal. I'm from a quite conservative family. So taking decisions against parents' wish is not that easy. Though this things are easily possible for others but for me things are unimaginable. Anyways, let me share my happiness that came along with that very decision. While continuing graduation studies, I thought why not I do something productive so that I can manage my extra expenses. You know, you can't just knock your parents all the time to fulfill your little little wishes. Atleast to me it is irritating, I mean, if you want to go for shopping or buy some accessories for you or an exclusive shoe or else you have to ask your parents on this regard. But my question is why?? Why will you ask for those that you yourself can manage easily if you act little re...